Material Test Cork (Kork) 4mm - xTool Projects
I would like to use cork as a material. So therefore first I have to run some tests.
In my local toolshop you can get cork plates of 4mm for a small €..
After seeing the results I paused the Laser and removed the lower two sqares, coz they would just burn more.

After running a material test on it, here is my feedback:
1. engraves nicely
2. smells like hell!
3. You can´t cut cork with a 10w Laser, at least not in one go. 
(Quite logically, if you thiink about t. It protects the trees from wildfires)

It did cut approximatly 0.8mm, but that´s about it. It get´s all flaky on the burned paches.

See the results in the picture for yourself.

Settings attached.

Well, lesson learned. :-D
Step 1: open project file and run your test

Open project file and run your test

See the results from the picture for yourself.

Then buy a beer for your neighbours and apologize for the smell. :-D

Design Files
Mat Test 4mm Kork.xcs
Cork, Material Test
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