Hi xTool Makers, 

We are thrilled to announce a new update for xTool Projects! In this version, we streamlined your design file uploading & content editing process, which comes with the bonus of automatic settings synchronization. Let’s walk through all the exciting new features and improvements.


New Features

1. Upload XCS file for automatic settings synchronization

Your XCS files are stored in My SpaceMy Design files (not displayed to other users). Here, you can easily select a file to link with your project for editing. Click Upload Design File to add a new one.
Once you upload an XCS design file, our system automatically recognizes major details including your Machine, Laser Module Output Power, Software, and Material Used (when using official materials).

How to Share Your Projects

Step 1: Upload Your Design File

Navigate to My SpaceMy Design files,Click Upload Design File and select a file from your computer.

Step 2: Link your File

If your design consists of multiple drawings, select the one you wish to share. Then, choose the category under which you want to publish your design.

Step 3: Edit & Auto-Fill Settings:

Once in the editing page, click Add Setting.
Use the Auto-fill option to select the corresponding design elements. If your design has multiple parameters, you can select design elements individually from your canvas.
If multiple XCS files are uploaded, the system will use the first XCS file to auto-fill the Machine, Laser Module Output Power, Software, and Material Used fields.
For How-tos: Use the 'Auto Fill' button in the settings section, preview the design file, and select the objects for which you want to auto-fill settings. Use Shift while clicking to select multiple objects for anti-filling settings.
For Inspirations: If you upload an XCS file, various settings will be added automatically. You can remove any settings you don’t wish to publish.
Return to the editing page where you’ll see the parameters automatically identified by our system.

2.Auto-Fill Previous Settings:

If you don’t have an XCS file when editing, the system can auto-fill the Machine, Laser Module Output Power, Software, and Material Used fields with the same content as your last published project.

3. Auto-Save

We've added an auto-save function for the editor. The editing content will be saved every 2 minutes. You don't have to worry about losing any unsaved content. 

4. Report

We've added a report function based on community feedback. You can click the report button, select a reason, describe the problem, or upload up to 5 pictures in the pop-up. We'll address your concerns within 3 business days after submitting the report. You'll receive a message concerning the review result. Thanks for helping us maintain a respectful community.



1. We have made images uploaded in the Media Library clickable to see the full image.
2. We have added the prompt for no added images when selecting the Uploaded Media tab on the Add to Media Library pop-up.
3. Materials used will be on the top of the dropdown, the rest materials will be sorted in alphabetic order.
4. We have added a Making time prompt: Please enter the processing time + assemble time for your project.
5. Tags separation method added. You can press Enter or add , or # to separate tags. 
6. When opening the Redeem Prizes and Point History pages inside XCS software, a back button is shown at the top of the page.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let us know in the comments section.