Simple Clover Keychain St Patrick's

duquesa7 avatar
Design Files (1)
  • Clover Flowers for Keychains.xcs
  • Summary

    These were made as party favors for my child's birthday that is so close to St Patrick's. Very simple and quick. Size is 4.5cm X 4.5cm  but can be adjusted.
    Cut all at 40/20 and 2 passes.
    The cuts came clean on 3mm clear acrylic from X-tool
    Visit my new Etsy store for more easy digital designs that I am uploading little by little and as time permits:
    Visit my FBMP store for these and more fun and easy laser creations:
    Hope you like it and enjoy making it!!!  :)

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool P2
    Material used
    Transparent Acrylic
    Cast Acrylic from X-Tool
    Total time
    1.27 min
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.



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