Heart Ornament Set

jtrang avatar
Design Files (1)
  • Heart_Ornaments Set.xcs
  • Summary

    Ornament set for Valentine's.  Designed entirely in XCS.  One heart has a heart lattice back layer.  The red heart is actually the "scrap" piece used to make the top layer of the other heart.  It's mainly to be resourceful & not waste material, but kind of symbolic in that the two hearts come from the same one.

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool P2
    Material used
    Wood Sheet, Acrylic Sheet
    Use any combination of wood and acrylic to customize for your taste. My examples are made from: - 1.5mm Balsa Wood - 2.1mm Red Acrylic - 3mm White Acrylic - Glue - Ribbon
    Total time
    5 min
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.


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