Being a cane corso owner I couldn't leave out my beautiful Ice Man! These money /card holders can be used as they are, DIY painted or coloured in, even do a paw print on the back as a keepsake too! These will fit any Gift card and money folded, I have designed them to be secure so you can use the non secure (No Nogging Peg) or the Secure Nogging Peg Style. With the Cane Corso's you have the Cropped and Non Cropper Versions Included in the Download. PLEASE help support me by Liking, Commenting & Most Importantly FOLLOW me (as its shows XTool & DesignFind that you want to see more of my designs) the more input and comments I get tells me you are liking what I am designing too!! So if you want to see more FREE designs LIKE, COMMENT & FOLLOW!!! Thank you @frenchiefirm
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing、Pen drawing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines

5W, 20W, 10W, 40W

10W, 20W


5W, 10W




10W, 20W

5W, 10W, 20W

Material used

Difficulty Level
Total time
7 min
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