We are having a joint birthday party and easter party! Given one (Me) now has the most popular laser cutting machine in the uk (ie. Mrs Buzz Lightyear because it's cool to have a laser) - I thought let's see if I can make an Easter Egg Hunt Baskets for the Little People (Kids) that's are coming. This is my version using my designs and concepts in my head of how it will go together. There are different options for personalisation. Different options for mounting names. Different options for decorating with Bunny Badges etc... Spacious Dimensions: 19cm x 11cm x 21cm As long as you use a 3mm Thickness Material it will go together nicely. You can really put your own stamp on these baskets too! I used a cherry wood on this project so I could have that wood look, rather then plywood/basswood (which if you were painting those would be fine). You will find a tutorial in the form of a PDF which has instructions and pictures to follow from turning on your machine to how to build your brand with your packaging. If you liked and loved this project PLEASE give me a Like, Comment and Follow @FrenchieFirm to see more projects like this for FREE!
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing、Pen drawing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines

10W, 20W



10W, 20W



5W, 10W

5W, 10W, 20W

5W, 20W, 10W, 40W


Material used

Difficulty Level
Total time
47 min
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