Mache deinen Liebsten eine Freude mit einer Holzbox gefüllt mit Eiern und Süßigkeiten. Die Innenmaße betragen 150x100x64mm und bieten Platz für kleine Überraschungen. Siehe auch nach Wooden Easter Box 1, Make your loved ones happy with a wooden box filled with eggs and sweets. The inner dimension are 150x100x64mm and offer space for small surprises. See also Wooden Easter Box 1,
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines



5W, 10W, 20W

5W, 20W, 10W, 40W



10W, 20W

10W, 20W

5W, 10W
Material used

Difficulty Level
Total time
45 min
Setting 1 Process on baseplate - Laser Cut - BreakPointCount: 2 BreakPointDistance: 100 BreakPointMode: count BreakPointPower: 0 BreakPointSize: 0.5 CuttingDrop: false CuttingDropValue: 3 EnableBreakPoint: false EnableKerf: false KerfDistance: 0 Power: 100 Repeat: 1 Speed: 17
Setting 2 Process on baseplate - Laser Score - EnableKerf: false KerfDistance: 0 Power: 50 Repeat: 1 Speed: 100
Setting 3 Process on baseplate - Bitmap Laser Engrave - BitmapMode: Jarvis BitmapScanMode: zMode Density: 100 Power: 35 Repeat: 1 Speed: 250
Setting 4 Process on baseplate - Vector Laser Engrave - BitmapScanMode: zMode Density: 100 Power: 40 Repeat: 1 Speed: 300
Setting 5 Process on baseplate - Laser Cut - BreakPointCount: 2 BreakPointDistance: 100 BreakPointMode: count BreakPointPower: 0 BreakPointSize: 0.5 CuttingDrop: false CuttingDropValue: 3 EnableBreakPoint: false EnableKerf: false KerfDistance: 0 Power: 100 Repeat: 1 Speed: 12
This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.