Rocna Anchor scale model

James avatar
Design Files (1)
  • Rocnaanchorkitcard.svg
  • Summary

    This is a scale model of the Rocna, one of the very best of the modern anchors for small boats.  I use one of these as my primary anchor now, and have been delighted with its performance and reliability of setting in all sorts of conditions up and down much of the west coast of Canada and the Salish Sea.  It is a very particular and highly evolved shape, which makes it an enjoyable challenge to model.  It's almost as much of a challenge to stow on really small boats, so I had to make a custom chain locker set into the floorboards on my sail & oar boat.  I added a couple of pics of my favorite boat and anchor as a bonus.
    This model is designed for use with 1/16 basswood, or some other wood which will carve and take detail well.  It is a more advanced project which requires some additional carving or filing of the assembled parts to get the best effects.
    I recommend a gap-filling thick CA (cyanoacrylate) glue for some of the assembly, as well as a basic white glue for laminating parts where you want a bit of wiggle room to get everything lined up properly. You will also want some paper masking tape to temporarily hold small parts in alignment.


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