I wanted to recreate the classic Bad mother wallet from pulp fiction but with a modern RFID safe card holder. After completely torching the first one I performed a test on the back and got the setting spot on for my xTOOL F1. the file is for three passes but two should do the job.
Production Info
Not included
Application scenario
Laser processing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

2W, 10W
Material used
Difficulty Level
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library for more.
Setting 1 Process on baseplate - Bitmap Laser Engrave - BitmapEngraveMode: dot BitmapMode: Jarvis BitmapScanMode: zMode DotDuration: 1000 Dpi: 600 Power: 18 Repeat: 3 Speed: 80
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