I made this Veteran Coin after attending a Veterans gathering while and hearing a poem while I was on a cruise to Alaska last year. I do know author of the poem. I added the last line to the poem because I thought it was important. I carry these coins with me and when I see someone that is wearing a hat, or a sticker on their vehicle identifying they are a Veteran, I hand them a coin along with a card that has the poem on the back and thank them for their service. Along with the coin, I hand them card with the poem on the back.
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing
Machine & processing module

Material used

3mm Baltic Birch Plywood
Difficulty Level
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library for more.
(aka CC Zero) is a public dedication tool, which allows creators to give up their copyright and put their works into the worldwide public domain.