Wooden Veteran Coin with Poem on Back

arbuckster avatar
Design Files (2)
  • ItistheVeteranCoinupdated.lbrn2
  • LockingJig_Fencewithvetreancoinjig.lbrn2
  • Summary

    I made this Veteran Coin after attending a Veterans gathering while and hearing a poem while I was on a cruise to Alaska last year. I do know author of the poem. I added the last line to the poem because I thought it was important.  I carry these coins with me and when I see someone that is wearing a hat, or a sticker on their vehicle identifying they are a Veteran, I hand them a coin along with a card that has the poem on the back and thank them for their service. Along with the coin, I hand them card with the poem on the back. 

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    Laser processing
    Machine & processing module
    xTool D1 Pro
    Material used
    3mm Birch Plywood
    3mm Baltic Birch Plywood
    Difficulty Level
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.


    (aka CC Zero) is a public dedication tool, which allows creators to give up their copyright and put their works into the worldwide public domain.
    Newcomer gifts