Coffee Bar Sign

Argent Engraving (Sammi) avatar
Argent Engraving (Sammi)
Design Files (1)
  • Mom and Dad's Coffee Bar.xcs
  • Summary

    A nice simple sign - unlike most of my work, I did this one from a sign I bought at a craft store, because this one is going to someone special, my loving folks. They just moved into a new house and one of the things my mom is most pleased with there is her coffee bar, so she asked if I could make a sign for her. Knowing what she likes, I searched out a coffee mug image with the heart, because that's her. For my father, I pulled in an art deco, 50's inspired font that I felt pulled his love of old cars. I believe as a sign that different angles are inherently interesting, so I left the owner's tag horizontal, and the image is mostly vertical, so I went with putting the center focus at an angle between them, making an arc effect as you read. This kind of basic sign just takes a few minutes to setup. A wide collection of fonts meant a little time finding the right look for the words, but that's one of my favorite things. I hope this gives you a nice idea for a gift for an item to sell in your stores!

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool M1
    Compatible xTool Machine
    Guidelines for using compatible machines
    xTool S1
    10W, 20W, 40W
    xTool F1 Ultra
    xTool M1 Ultra
    10W, 20W
    xTool D1
    5W, 10W, 20W
    xTool D1 Pro
    5W, 20W, 10W, 40W
    xTool F1
    xTool P2S
    xTool M1
    xTool P2
    Material used
    3mm Basswood Plywood
    Sign purchased from a Craft Store
    Total time
    35 min
