Personalized Wedding Party Hangers & Ring Box

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Looking for a simple, but memorable bridal party gift? Try a customized clothes hanger! Each hanger is customized with the bridal party role and name. The flexibility to match fonts make it easy to create a memorable gift that brings a special and personal touch to that special day! As an added touch, pair the gift of personalized hangers with a custom engraved ring box capturing the names of the happy couple and the day of the event.

This project doesn't have a specific design, but can be easily created using XCS to add and size the font of your choice. It would be easy to add additional embellishment.

These hangers were made on the F1, but this project could easily be completed using any laser that allows for sufficient clearance. There may be some light hazing around the engraving, especially on the F1 as there is no air assist. A quick application of sandpaper easily removes it. The hangers could then be finished simply with a stain or application of the finish of your choice. 

Production Info

Not included
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module
xTool F1
Material used
Wooden Clothes Hanger, Wooden Ring Box
wedding party
Wooden Clothes Hangers Wooden Ring Holder box
Total time
30 min
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
