Colored Stainless Steel KeyChain Tag

LaserGirl28 avatar
Design Files (1)
  • DiaDeLosMuertosMultiColoredSkullStainlessSteelTagKeychainColorArt.xcs
  • Summary

    I created a colorful pattern for a stainless steel key ring. The motif is related to "Dia De Los Muertos". 
    Please note that if you use this design in at home, the color results may vary depending on the quality of your stainless steel product. 
    You can save each layer color separately as a home setting under the names "Light Blue", "Black", "Yellow" etc... Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you have any questions and like. And above all, have fun with your Xtool!
    Yellow color: IR Laser /Power: 86 /Speed: 12 /Pass: 1 / Lines per cm: 200/Engraving mode: Bi-directional
    Light Blue color: IR Laser /Power: 50 /Speed: 8 /Pass: 1 / Lines per cm: 200/Engraving mode: Bi-directional
    Black color: IR Laser /Power: 100 /Speed: 3 /Pass: 2 / Lines per cm: 200/Engraving mode: Bi-directional
    Red color: IR Laser /Power: 90 /Speed: 9 /Pass: 1 / Lines per cm: 200/Engraving mode: Bi-directional
    See more videos of my creations with my F1 on TikTok @lasergirl28


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