This was made for a friends mother who is 101 years old. Her daughter (my friend) recently passed. I asked her sister to find something that she had written to her mother. She sent me the note she found and the only portion that was not folded over is what was engraved on the glass. We feel she was talking to her mother through us. Needless to say this was the gift she could never have expected and cried when she saw it especially being in her own handwriting. Mom, Have to go now. Love, Donna I too cried the whole time I was putting this together. In Memory of my Friend Donna.
Production Info
Application scenario
Machine & processing module

Material used
This was a shadow box purchased from Michaels Craft Store. It is an 8 X 10 Frame. Also purchased black card stock to use instead of paint.
Total time
38 min
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library for more.