Multilayer color engraving using a modified version of the Modified version of Norton White Tile Method to get the same or similar results on wood. This is NOT the Norton White Tile method, there is no White tile, no painting it white, and then black will not work the same as the actual white tile method. This is multiple layers of paint sprayed down one layer at a time and then engraved away with just the right power and speed to uncover the layers in the desired location and way.
Basic Information is loading...
Setting 1
Process Method
Bitmap Laser Engrave
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm
Bitmap mode
Other Parameters
Each one really does run at a different rate, several needed a second pas at a low low power to bring out the colors. I would recommend that you be uniform when painting each one and sacrifice one to do a Grid Test and get a better idea of where YOUR laser is going to land for depth, speed and so on
Design Files
Color, etch, engrave, norton, white tile, coasters
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