With this project I will be using a 8.5" x 4" bamboo tissue box.
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Step 1

Step 1) This project starts with a rectangle the same side as the bamboo tissue box itself, Once this rectangle is sized properly a Design made in other software is brought in with the image button.

Step 2

Step 2) Once this is done (only need one of these for each side so there is no need to set up 2 of them.) now it is the top, another rectangle is created with the insert button and it too is sized to the same as the top of the bamboo box. An oval is created using the insert and circle feature and it is placed near the center long ways in the rectangle. The design from the sides are copied and pasted but made extremely smaller and turned on their edge. These are placed on either end of the oval.

Step 3

Step 3) Once the design is in the right place for the top portion, the settings are adjusted for scoring and the rectangle is set to 1 as I do not want it to make it is only there for framing purposes. Once the setting are all set the output for this top is turned off with the slider button to turn it on or off.

Step 4
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Score
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm
Other Parameters
As you can see the tissue box is placed on it's side to get the score work this is done on both sides the same way. Framing and score for each.

Step 4) In this step the side design is set to score with the settings of 42 power and 42 speed and 1 pass. Installing on it's side and the laser head raised high enough to clear it was set to go. once the first side was complete the second side was repeated.

Step 5
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Score
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm
Other Parameters
Once again the settings are the same as for the side designs the framing is also done the same way with the rectangle turned down to power 1 so it does not leave any marks.

Step 5) This step the top is now ready, it too gets framed once the output is turned off for the side design and the top design is turned on, here it is in the laser machine ready to go.

Step 6

Step 6) All finished and ready for tissues, here it is ready to be used with all it's new beauty hope you enjoyed this project .

Design Files
tissue box.xcs
Tissue, Box, XCS, Xtool, Bamboo,
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