Every Teacher needs a pencil holder. Why not a custom one with their name on it? 
Basic Information is loading...
Step 1: Apple Front and Back
  • Right side panel
    • basic shapes icon
      • plant
        • apple
  • Size to your liking
    • For this project 4.7" x 4.9" was used
  • Delete the center nodes
    • select the apple
      • highlight the inner nodes
        • press delete on your keyboard
        • done
  • Make an outline
    • select the apple 
      • right side panel
        • outline
          • .000
            • okay
  • Copy, paste
    • delete the orginal apple
    • You should be left with two apple outlines
    • set them both to cut
Step 2: Creating the Box

I used Makercase to help my box

Look at pictures for more detailed instructions

  • Google makercase
  • Click on simple boxes
  • follow the steps on left hand side
  • enter dimension
  • finger joints
  • letts than 1"
  • download box plans
  • Kerf and corner comp
    • set to 0.0025
  • download svg
Step 3: Bring your Box to XCS / Laser
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
  • Afer you download the SVG file from makercase
  • go back into XCS and open the file
  • make sure all the box panels are set to “cut”
  • You can add custom text to front of apple for personzliation here
    • left side panel
      • "T'
        • Teachers name
  • Auto measure and send to laser
Step 4: Assembly
2 More images
  • Glue all the box panels together.
  • Glue the box to the apple ends
  • Optional: Paint the Text
  • Glue Teacher text to front of holder
Design Files
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