Sometimes a teacher needs more than just one pass. Why not gift your favorite teacher custom hall passes that can be used for specific reasons? Boys bathroom, girls bathroom, nurse and a one that fits all occasions. 
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Step 1: The Design
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  • Photo # 1: The backing
    • Create a rectangle from the right panel
      • Size it to your liking. For this design I used 3.123" x 4.581"  
        • You can go smaller or bigger.
    • Create another rectangle that is much smaller. This will be for a laynard to be clipped on.
      • Place this at the top middle of the bigger rectangle.
  • Photo #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8: Tracing & Creating the Gender Cutouts 
    • I found some gender outlines and now I need to trace them
      • Paste your image into creative space
      • Select it, click “trace image” on the right side panel
      • You want to play with the settings on the right side to get clean smooth blue lines.
      • Click “OK” when you you're happy with the trace outlines
      • You can delete your original image when done.
    • Click on the traced image, right click and ungroup.
    • Drag your mouse over one of the genders so you have their head and body selected.
    • Click outline on the right side panel and make a minimal outline of the object. 
      • Click "Ok"
    • You can delete the inner part of the outline and just keep the outline.
      • Move it into the bigger retangle and size it accordingly.
      • Add text to the bottom of the smaller rectangle that says “boys” or “girls” Hall Pass
      • Make sure the gender is set to “cut” 
      • Make sure the text is set to engrave
    • Repeat the same outline steps for the other gender that you have left to do.
  • Photo # 9: The Other Passes
    • Drag and copy the finished gender hall pass, right click copy and paste 3 times.
      • On one of the copied hall passes, Delete the gender that in there and replace with the different gender and change the engraving at the bottom to go with the new pass
    • On the other two passes, Delete the gender object in both. 
      • Change the engraving at the bottoms. 
        • Nurse Hall Pass 
        • Mrs. Teachers Hall Pass
  • Photo #10: The Nurse Pass
    • Create a new square shape with the curved corners.
    • Click the aspect lock icon next to the dimensions on the right side panel
    • We want it to look like a bandaid so size it out as best you can to get the bandaid look
    • Now add a smaller rectangle inside that of that one.
    • Make sure the larger rectangle is set to “cut”. 
    • The smaller one can be kept at score
  • Photo #11, 12, 13: Teachers Pass
    • Create apple
      • Click on the shapes icon on the left side panel
      • Click on Plant
      • Click on the apple
    • Click on the apple, click outline on the right side panel
      • You can place the apple inside the rectangle to get an idea of the side you would like to use.
    • Now we need to get rid of the inner nodes inside the apple.
      • Click on the apple and select “Edit nodes”
      • Drag your mouse over the nodes and hit “delete” on your keyboard
    • Make sure the outer apple outline is set to “cut”.
    • Now group the apple outline and inners together.
      • right click, “group” 
Step 2: Send to Laser
Setting 1
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm
Setting 2
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
  • Get your project ready to send to the laser!
  • Move all the objects from outside of the rectangles and make sure they are set to cut.
  • Make sure your text is set to engrave
  • Make sure you bigger rectangles are set to cut
  • Automeasure!
  • Arrange your objects on your board and cut!
Step 3: Assembly
  • Paint your objects!
  • Once dried, glue them on to the correct hall pass!
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