With all the craze last few years most people have coffee pods for fresh quick made coffee, here is a coffee pod stand for the kitchen counter.
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Step 1

Step 1) Well the first thing needed for the project is a rectangle and a couple circles, these circles were brought in to the work area the same way as the rectangle by the insert button. The circles were sized to be the same dia. as the rectangle and were positioned at either end. Once in place the combine option was used to unite all three pieces to make a long oval.

Step 2

Step 2) Once this shape was made it was copied and pasted 2 times to make 3 copies. These 3 pieces were then positioned stacked on top of each other with the bottom having 2 spread out wider than the top. Once again the combine option comes in to play and they all get united to make 1 full piece.

Step 3

Step 3) Now that the shape is ready I inserted another circle but this time I carefully sized it to 47mm round, this happens to be the size hole needed for the coffee pods to sit nicely in place. Now I was going to need a few holes so I used the array feature and set it to 5 x columns and 1 row with a spacing of 5.

Step 4

Step 4) A second row of holes were needed all the same size as the first row so this time I did the same thing with the array feature but selected 6 columns and 1 row with the same spacing.

Step 5

Step 5) Now that the holes were all set the stand needed some support to display on a slight angle. So a rectangle was inserted along with second smaller one that was turned on an angle. once the smaller angled rectangle was in place overlapping the longer rectangle, I used combine and subtracted the shape to leave the longer rectangle have a angle at one end. Once this was complete I copied and made a copy of the first one.

Step 6

Step 6) Now it was time to add some text, I first clicked on the text button and the Hello appeared, this was edited in the text box. once I selected what I wanted i choose a good connecting font. I placed this new font just on the top of the first shape with the lettering just slightly below the line so when it get united in to one piece it all comes together. In order to do this properly I grouped all the holes and moved them out of the away so they didn't get united with what needed to be united. They were moved back in to place after this step was complete.

Step 7

Step 7) Once everything was ready to go design wise, I bunched everything together so not to waste material and adjusted everything for the laser settings which were 100% @ 5mm/s speed and 2 full passes. And off it went to the laser.

Step 8
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Step 8) Once the laser finished all the cutting I used a 2 part super glue to glue the back support rails to the facing. This glue is easy and very strong and fast bonding, one needs to practice on scrap pieces before actually using it on a good project. So now that the coffee pod stand was up and operational it sits beside or near the coffee machine ready for action...Enjoy!

Design Files
coffee pod.xcs
Coffee, pods, stand, wood glue,
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