So we all buy things that we were not happy about, here is an old saying that holds so true, The origin of this Quote is unknown but I have known it myself for many years. This quote makes for a great shop sign if you are selling things that are wood related. Here is a 2 layer shop sign made with a D1 pro10w and extensions as the size is approx. 24" (609mm)
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Step 1

Step 1) Once the design from a different program was made, it is then placed into a fresh opening of XCS Xtool Creator's Suite.Due to it's size the Extension kit option is selected. however to include the editing of the engraving text I take to rotation selector and turn it 90° so it is facing horizontal and change it to laser flat option so it can be enlarged for easy editing.

Step 2

Step 2) Now that the object is horizontal and enlarged the text is added by clicking on the Text button. Once you do Hello automatically appears, this can easily be changed by entering the desired text in the text window. There are several option including change size of text picking the font and style of font and how it will be displayed.

Step 3

Step 3) Once I selected the font I am going to use I right click after selecting all of the text and go to group just in case the text added is in different parts so they all resize together. I then can resize it to the desired size.

Step 4

Step 4) Now that the group of text has been resized to the right size for the saw blade I used the option to center it all so it is equal on both sides.

Step 5

Step 5) Once again I select everything and right click to group tit all together, so I can turn it back to vertical. I also change from laser flat to extension kit as it has a far larger work area. When this is in place I right click and un-group everything so the 2 pieces for the second layer can be moved with in the 2 handles to save on the amount of cutting area.

Step 6

Step 6) Now that the part in un-grouped it is very easy to move these part by clicking on them and moving them to where I wanted them. Now that they are in the spots I wanted it was time to check all the cutting and engraving setting which will be for cutting: 100 pwer, 5mm/s for speed and 3 complete passes will look after all the cuts. The second set of settings I check are the engraving setting this will be: 85% power 100mm/s speed and 1 pass. on to the laser machine....

Step 7

Step 7) once the birch 1/4" (6.3mm) birch plywood large enough for the project is loaded, Engraving is the first order of business. I happen to have a nifty webcam right inside the enclosure so viewing the action is much clearer on a larger monitor than compared to watching it through the enclosure window.

Step 8

Step 8) Once all the engraving and cutting is complete it is time to remove the parts from the machine and put on a work bench for glue ups, the only glue needed for this is the 2 layer for the handles.

Step 9

Step 9) Now that the second layer handles are glued up it is time to add color to them I used a brown wood marker that works perfectly well to produce a wood grain effect at the same time changing the look of the handles themselves.

Step 10

Step 10) Now that everything is finished it is time to display, everyone will get a kick out of the quote and I get a kick out of them all liking my making. I added an old image of these saws in action from along time ago just for fun cause they have been around......enjoy.

Design Files
wood, bucksaw, 2 person, glue, sign, shop,
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