A Valentine's Day Themed multi layered Kitchen Clock, with the use of paints, Birch plywood, whiteboard, engraving and cast acrylic.
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Step 1

First off the material list and supplies you will need for this project are: 1 sheet of black cast acrylic 1/8" (3.1mm) a sheet of white board 1/8" (3.1mm) 1 sheet of 1/4" birch plywood (6.3mm)

wood glue, glue gun (optional) 3 different color spray paint White, Red and high gloss clear. A Clock workings and 3 different color paint pens black, red and green. all these items can be purchased from a local hardware store or Amazon if need be.

Step 2

This project was designed all within XCS software suite, some engraving, cutting and layering. This project starts out with a circle a simple rose with a short stem is added and with the array feature a circular array is created to have 12 roses go around the inner part of the circle.

Step 3

A line of text is added near the top part of the exposed clock face this is sized and centered using the alignment tool, a small hole is also added for the clock mechanism that also get all centered vertically and horizontally.

Step 4

The outer circle is then copied to be exact size and the rest of the project is then transferred to a second canvas.once there is only the circle left the exact size as the first one you add a second circle approx. 4mm smaller and use the alignment tool again to center these vertically and horizontally to make a cutable ring.

Step 5

 Once this is done, a heart is added and with the circle array feature it is lined up to go around the outside of the ring, again 12 hearts are needed. Once this is done with only one ring over lapping each heart the entire project gets high lighted and the unite feature is use to make all 12 hearts and the inside ring one piece. After this step the smaller inside ring can be placed back in the center to make the layer complete. 

Step 6

 Once this is done the outline feature is used to create the back or bottom layer, the " add inner outline for bitmap option is unchecked for this step. And a small size of 0.059 outline is achieved. This back layer is also moved to a new canvas and will be cut out later.

Step 7

Once the very back or bottom layer is moved to the new canvas a small square is added to be cut out for the clock mechanism to fit.

Step 8

On to another new canvas this time a set of bold numbers are to be cut out 1" tall (25mm) so with the text feature numbers from 1 to 12 is set up to be cut from the black cast acrylic the settings that are used are the XCS selected for acrylic and they cut perfectly. These numbers once cut with be used later.

Step 9

On to cutting the second layer with the heart shapes now there are a few ways to do this but I find placing the origin selection in the center to frame suites me best. This also is set to cut by XCS suite software 100% speed 5 3 passes for 1/4" birch plywood.

Step 10

Same goes with the white hardboard there will be engraving and cutting with this step, engraving settings are 80% power 80 speed 1 pass with cutting @ 100% and 4 speed and 3 passes only because the core of this whiteboard is MDF and it take a bit to cut clean.

Step 11

Now that the center is engraved and cut out the fun part of adding color to the lettering and the roses with black for text and red and green for the roses, this is a pretty simple procedure, with a paint pen just color all the engraved area let sit for about 10 seconds and wipe the excess off. You are left with just color where the engraving is only, kinda nice effect.

Step 12

Now that everything has been cut it is time to dry fit all the parts to make sure everything will fit properly. Once that is determined the back layer and top layer get a couple coats of red and white paint along with a clear coating. These colors are totally optional if bare wood is desired or other colors are wanted this would be the time to decide.

After the color combination has been decided everything gets glued together, including the clock mechanism added from the back 

Step 13
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Now that everything is put together and ready to be hung in the kitchen, as you can see it looks like a nice addition to the kitchen area. It was a fun project and I hope others try it.

Design Files
#valentine'sDaycontest, Wood, Acrylic, Paint, Glue
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