Celebrating the new year 2024 and the year of the dragon. with a custom frame for the festivities. Made from Acrylic and a Frame 
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Step 1: Design Stage 1

Step 1) First thing to do for this project is to take apart the frame from the dollar store, then a proper measurement can be taken from inside the frame. with this measurement a rectangle can be created on the canvas. When this is complete make a second rectangle 1" or so smaller and place it inside the larger one.now we add the year, we want to make this as bold as possible so a thick font is used when we are using the text editor.

Step 2: Design Stage 2

Step 2) Now for this step the date gets an outline, this is going to be a bold outline so a heavy offset is used from the outline options. Once this is created the only line only is moved to the lower right side of the inside rectangle. Now both the inside rectangle and the outline of the date are highlighted. The use of the combine feature is selected and from the drop down subtract is selected. This removes the bottom portion of the outline and makes the inside and outsides become one piece. Now that the outline of the date is added and removed from the 2 rectangles the date itself is placed within what is left of the outline. Now it is laser time.

Step 3: Picture for the Art

Step 3) This step uses the built in feature of XCS software Xart AI, I selected to ask for a 2024 dragon in the paper cut out style. This style makes for a very 3D effect and can look real. Once I got a image i was happy with I copied it and added color to it. This new colored image was sent to my color printer and 1 copy 8' x 10' was made.

Step 4: Settings and Assembly
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Step 4) Now everything needs to be adjusted for settings, the engraving and the cutting of the greyish silver painted acrylic. Because the acrylic is painted a 5% increase of power is added to the engraving settings. the cut settings is not effected by the add paint. Once everything is engraved and cut assembly is the same as with any picture frame. The empty frame is filled with the new acrylic then the printed picture and finally the backing. This particular frame has small metal tabs that get bent onto the backing to hold everything securely. Then it is time to hang the new art for everyone to enjoy…  

Design Files
2024 dragon.xcs
S1 20w
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