Acrylic shuffle board made from clear acrylic.
You can use any color acrylic or even make it out of wood. Since i had only clear in a 19inch length available, i used the clear, so i could make it a little bigger.
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Step 1: Starting with the bottom

Insert a square and unlock the size lock. Make it a rectangle, so that it's longer then wide. Lock the size lock.

Step 2: Making the sides

Insert another square and unlock the size lock. Make it a rectangle the width size of the bottom rectangle, but the height shorter.

For the side pieces do the same, but this time, make it longer and the width of the top piece top.

Step 3: Making the middle piece and top piece

Copy and paste the top back piece, so you have 2.

The 2nd piece will be attached later on in between the side pieces.

Step 4: Making the holes for the inset piece

Insert a circle and place it on the bottom line of one of the smaller pieces.

Copy and past the circle and place it close to the first circle on the line.

Do that 2 more times, so you will have 4 circles on the line.

Click combine and distract. Now half of the circles are attached to the smaller piece and it looks like a bridge.

Step 5: Adding the numbers and words

Click on text and type in the number 10. Place the txt on top of one of the holes.

Do the same with the other 3 numbers and once set, set the settings to engrave.

Click on text again and type in the words. Turn it and resize it, till it fits on the bottom of the bottom piece. Set the engraving settings.

Step 6: Making the circles

Insert a circle and place it in front of the (bridge) opening. Make the size smaller than that opening or the discs won't fit through it.

Once you set the size, copy and paste it, till you have 10 pieces.

Step 7: Cutting and assembling the board
3 More images
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Transparent Acrylic
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

Now it's ready to cut and put together.

You can put the discs aside, since you won't need it till the board is glued together.

Start with glueing the back piece to the bottom piece. Then glue the bottom of the Middle piece (Bridge) to the bottom piece and the sides to the back piece/middle piece and bottom piece.

The top piece you can glue last.

Now your shuffleboard is finished and the games can begin.


Design Files
Shuffle board.xcs
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