Made a mini Animal game with 1 engraved dice. The dice is a mini block from xTool.
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Step 1: Making the board with holes

Insert a square with rounded edges from the shapes.

Unlock the size lock and stretch out the square so it becomes more like a rectangle.

Insert another square and unlock the size lock and make it a smaller rectangle.

The height should be the thickness of the material you are using. In this case 3mm.

Lock the size lock, so the size can't move. Copy and paste the rectangle and place it in the big rectangle. Keep repeating, till you have all the small rectangles placed in the big rectangle.

Hoover over the whole image and group it and set cut settings.

Step 2: Start and finish line

Insert a line and place it before the last cut holes. Set score settings.

Insert a text and put in the word finish. Adjust the size and turn it.

Place it right on the line in the middle of the board. Set engrave settings.

Insert another line and place it above the first cut holes. Set score settings.

Insert the text and put in the word start. Adjust the size and turn it.

Place the start word on the score line and set the settings to engrave.



Step 3: Making the animals
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Insert several images from the shapes on the left side of the XCS screen.

Use the outline button and set it to zero for all the animals.

Move the images a side (or delete, since they are no longer needed)

Insert a square and unlock the size lock and make it a rectangle.

Use the same size that was used as the holes in the board, but make the sides a bit smaller, so it can fit in the board holes.

Lock the size and copy and paste it. Place it under the first animal and over lap it a little bit.

Click combine and unite, so the rectangle is attached to the bottom of the animal.

Use the other copies and place it under the other animals and click combine, unite, so all the animals have the rectangle underneath.

Set the cut settings.

Step 4: Making the sign

Insert a Square and make it rectangle by unlocking the size lock.

Once in desired size, lock it. Insert another square and make it rectangle, then turn it a quarter.

Copy and paste it.

Place it on the left side of the first bigger rectangle and the copied one, on the right side of the bigger rectangle. Hoover over the whole image and click combine, unite.

The pieces are now attached. Set the cut settings.

Insert the text and put in the words and place it into the big rectangle. Set the settings to score.

Hoover over the whole rectangle with words and group it.

Step 5: Making the bottom and holes for the sign

Insert a square with rounded edges from the shapes.

Unlock the size and make it a rectangle a little bigger than the size of the first board.

Lock the size.

Insert a square and unlock the size and make a small rectangle.

Place it under the sign posts and make the size a little wider than the post itself, but keep the height the thickness of the material. Lock the size.

Group the 2 little rectangle holes and place them in the middle of the outer board.

Set the cut settings.

Step 6: Cut/engrave/score and paint
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Once everything is engraved, scored and cut out, the painting can start.

Glue the inner board to the outer board first.

Paint all the animals on both sides. (any color you like) and paint the sign and the outer board.

Once it's dry, you can place the sign into the outer board holes and the animals into the holes before start.

Use a small block and engrave the numbers zero, one and two on the sides of the block.

There should be only 3 numbers on 2 sides of the block. This will be your dice.

Now the game can begin. Who will win this race? 


Design Files
Animal Race.xcs
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