This little toy is made with counter weights to constantly stay standing upright while moving. This was done with all XCS software.
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Step 1: Desing Stage 1

Step 1) This project starts right from a image from the shapes list, the Giraffe was picked from the many animals available. Once this Giraffe was entered into the canvas it was treated to an outline. This outline has a off set of 0.3. This offset is to provide an outline of only the outside and not any of the inside pieces of the Giraffe. The next step is to take this new outside object and add a circle base. This is done with the insert button and creating a circle.

Step 2: Design Stage 2

Step 2) This step the new circle is placed near the bottom of the Giraffe covering some of it's legs. This new circle is then united to the Giraffe with the combine feature. Once this is united a circle is added to the center of the new circle or as close to center as possible. This is crucial so it will be adjusted later. The next item needed are the main wheels, these wheels are made from  19mm thick pine and again 2 of them are needed. these wheels need a center hole just about the same size as the 5mm doweling being used so the new center hole is adjusted to this size. The alignment tool is used to properly center this hole dead center. Once this is done the 2 circles are grouped so they can not be moved accidentally. 

Step 3: Design Stage 3

Step 3) Now the new wheel is placed over the Giraffe body so it is slightly lower than the circle of the Giraffe. Now is a good time to match the center hole of the Giraffe body and the wheels because the wheels are perfectly center. 

Step 4: Spacers for the Body and Settings
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Other Parameters
This is the upper limit of the S1 20w machine, extreme caution is needed while this is cutting.
Setting 2
Process Method
Laser Score
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 3
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

This step small spacers are needed so when the Giraffe is put together there is room between the 2 large wheels, this also allows to let the Giraffe move freely with less touching. The spacers are simple circles with the same hole in the center, once one is created using the insert button the array feature comes into play and a set of 4 selected. Now that all pieces are designed and are ready to cut or score it is off to the machine.

Step 5: Laser Time and Assembly
5 More images

Step 5) Now once the laser machine finishes cutting and scoring the assembly starts, As you can see the edges of the wheels are darkened by the cutting. I sanded the edges clean and painted the wheels red. Once this was done the wood dowel is used to hold everything together. I adjusted the center holes of each wheel so the dowel fit snug. once one wheel had the dowel inserted the Giraffe body could slip on with it's own center hole. Before this is done the 4 spacers are added to the Giraffe body, they are placed around the center hole, putting 2 on either side. These spacers are glued in place. The next item are the magnets, these make up for the counter weight that keeps the Giraffe up right at all times. the simply go on both sides of the Giraffe bottom as close to the bottom edge as possible. The Magnets are strong enough they hold in place because of each other. Once this is all completed the entire Giraffe body is slipped onto the the dowel and the second wheel is added to complete the Giraffe Wheeler. Take it for a sin and watch how the Giraffe stay up right.

Design Files
giraffe wheeler.xcs
Week 3 challenge
S1 20w
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