For the week 1 of the 5 week challenge the theme is St.Patrick's Day or Spring. I decided to make a cardboard hat from recycled Xtool box. 
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Step 1: Design stage 1
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Step 10 This project starts out as a rounded triangular shape from the shape list, it is then turned 180° and resized. Once this is set a couple of rectangles are created and set on a slight angle, these are placed on either side of the triangle shape and with the combine feature it is subtracted. This creates the top portion of the hat. 

Step 2: Design stage 2

Step 2) Now on to the bottom portion of the hat, this is done by creating another rectangle and placed along the bottom of the first part of the hat. Once again the combine feature is used but this time unite is selected to create the full hat.

Step 3: Adding some Bling

Step 3) This step adds the band and buckle to go around the hat. It actually just goes on the front of the hat so it doesn't need to be a long piece. This is done with a rectangle and like before a couple more smaller rectangles are created. These are again set on the same angle as the hat and combine to subtract those pieces. This leaves a matching angle of the band. Now a buckle is needed, this is done by creating a couple of squares one smaller than the other just slighter bigger than the band. The band and the buckle will be painted gold and black respectfully.

Step 4: Adding some clovers

Step 4) This step we add a clover for the front of the hat, this clover is an SVG image so it can be cut or scored. I set up one clover for the hat front and created long rectangles for the band to go around the person's head. Here is where I used the array feature and will the clover I set it to make several clovers to cover the bands. These clovers are set to be scored only.

Step 5: Adding the Name and settings.
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Corrugated Cardboard
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 2
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Process Material
Corrugated Cardboard
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm

Step 5) With this step I added the text of Happy St. Patrick's Day which was engraved along the front of the hat brim. This was edited with the text editor and was fitted on the hat. Now on to cutting and engravings.

Step 6: Finishing and Assembly
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Step 6) Here is where some parts get painted and some parts get 2 sided tape applied. Once this is all dry the pieces are placed on the hat and the band is applied as well. Now there is a lucky Happy St.Patrick's Day hat to wear on the special day.

Design Files
st hat.xcs
Week1 Challenge
St.Patrick's Day
S1 20w
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