Hi Everyone,
I designed this on Christmas day along with cutting and engraving but didn't put it together until today.  I had absolutely forgotten about it!  So thought I would finish it today and hopefully someone may like to make it for Christmas next year.  All images in this are my images that I have used and cutout of other images from vintages cards which I had previously used in card making designs and manipulatiing into other graphic designs that I had produced for friends, family and web design (which I no longer seem to do).  I did this on the 20 watt when I wasn't having issues.
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Step 1: Setting Up
2 More images
Setting 1
Process Method
Bitmap Laser Engrave
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Bitmap mode
Other Parameters
Air Assist

I imported my images into creative space.  With my stamp image, I traced around that and then discarded the image.  As for my other images I changed them all to grayscale at 100% sharpness & grayscale.  I copied and pasted the the Fawn so that I could resize the copied image. For the Christmas tree and the larger image of the Fawn, I outlined them both at .2 then pulled the outlines away and re outlined them at .2 so that I could make 3D objects of the for the stamp but then decided to make them 2D instead.  I created a circle to ½ an inch in size and copied that once.  Thiese circles are for the holes in the stamp cutout.

When I had my images all ready and resized I started to play around with where I wanted to place them.

I then decide to add Merry and then Christmas and used the Garden Hidalaya font from Creative Fabrica.  I changed it to engrave and outlined it also.

After setting up the images with outlines I combined subtract at overlap for each of them and then placed the Merry Christmas in the overall image to visualise how I wanted it to look once completed.

Step 2: Setting up for Engraving & Cutting

I went on to add a square to the size of 12 x 12 inch box so that all objects would fit neatly into what would be the size of the plywood for cutting and engraving.  

For the Christmas tree I rotated it 180% so that every thing would fit within the square.  I then also added some little square boxes at .6 of an inch sqaure.  These are to use inbetween the Christmas tree cutout and the Fawn cutout to give a better 2D effect.

Once I was happy with how everything was placed within the larger square I then discarded that and saved my file.

Step 3: Sending to Machine for Engraving & Cutting
2 More images
Setting 1
Process Method
Bitmap Laser Engrave
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Bitmap mode
Other Parameters
Air Assist
Setting 2
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Bitmap mode
Other Parameters
Air Assist
Setting 3
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Other Parameters
Air Assist

I prepared the machine for engraving by framing to make sure everything fiit on the area to be engraved. Once everything was ready to go I then sent it off for engraving.  I also  did the Merry Christmas at the same setting but ignored it until the images were done and then set  the machine up to engrave in that area as this is a vector image.  

After the images were engraved I ignored all of them and placed the cutting files to output and then set the machine for framing and then off to cut.

Step 4: Decorating and Gluing
5 More images

Rather than using paints I decided on stickles as these add a better effect and not so flat, I couldn't find my red so decided on using the red twine platted with the hemp twine so that there would at least be some red in there.  

I started with the gold Liquid pearls for the ribbon on the tree and then started to add the other colours on the tree and then in the different areas of the stamp.  Once all colours were completed I then glued on the backing of the Tree and the Fawn and then glued the little squares where I wanted them and added the Tree and Fawn on top of their backings.

I Lined up Merry Christmas and glued that on.

I platted the twine, looped it through the holes at the top of the stamp so that they wrapped around the holes twice, tied it in a knot and cut off the excess.


I hope you enjoyed this how to and I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.

Happy 2024!

Design Files
Door Hanger
Christmas wooden door hanger
Christmas Stamp
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