With Xart we can create all kinds of designs this time I took 2 different Xart offerings and made a creation.
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Step 1: Designing

Step1) In this step I opened up Xart that is found on the left side below the vector button, once Xart opened up i prompted for a web and a spider. This is a hit and miss depending on what ends up coming up. You may like the image or you may simply try again. 

Step 2: Designing Part 2

Step 2) Between this Xart graphic and the first graphic I used the spider from one and the web from the other. I used a different software to clean them up and got them ready for cutting in XCS software.

Step 3: Designing Part 3

Step 3) Here are the 2 images that were adjusted from Xart, these are now ready for XCS software

Step 4: xcs Software Set up
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

Now that both images were ready for the software they were set by sizing them and adjusting the laser machine settings to be cut from the wood. I choose to pre-paint each piece of wood prior to putting them through the laser operations. As you can see in the file they are labels for each of them.

Step 5: Finishing

Step 5) in this step the red spider is placed on the white webbing, the spider is suspended by a single small piece of a wood drop from cutting out the webbing, this way it gives the spider an effect of being raised.

Design Files
spider web.xcs
Xart, XCS, Comp56, Contest,
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