Summer is all about vacations for many people. So why not craft up a memory keepsake?!?
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Step 1: Sourcing your Map

Set your browser to and click “Build a map” on the top.

Step 2: Dialing in the view

On the left hand side click “Choose a Snazzy Map style” and search for “epilog. 

Once there you'll pick ”Epilog Laser - Maps (Thin Lines) and apply the style (green button at the bottom)


Now that you have the style picked out, you'll now click “Size & Location”.
Change “Height” to 100% and click “Or search for a location”. Type in the city location and change the Zoom Level to 13.


Apply Changes.

Step 3: Copy your image

Now that you have your map ready to go, open windows Snipping Tool (or Mac's version of it) and click on the Full Screen button at the top right of the map (follow the arrows in the pic).

In full screen you can zoom around a bit until you find the exact spot that you want to save. 

Tab over to your snipping tool and cut out the portion of the map you want.

Save the image file to your desktop and using whatever editing software you prefer, crop the map to a true square and save the new file again to your desktop.

Step 4: Engraving the Map
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 2
Process Method
Bitmap Laser Engrave
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Bitmap mode
Other Parameters
DD/175 - DPI/500

When you open the map file, you will see that there are two layers. The red layer is the cut layer and the black is the engrave layer. 

I have left the New Orleans map in the file for reference. Please feel free to delete it and add your own map image filling in the whole area of the cut square (red layer)'

Verify that your settings are where you want them, and give that beep beep button some love.

Step 5: Engraving the Frame
2 More images

This part can be a little tricky. But I have faith in you!

Open the MapFrameUnited file. you will see one square with in another. The outer square is the same size of the map cut file. These two objects were united using the combine function to allow you to move forward with the next few steps (so if you attempt to make this from scratch, you'll need to do that).

  1. Click the text button on the left and type in your city/location.
  2. Pick your font and resize it so that it looks good (and doesn't cover anything special on the map)
  3. Adjust the city name so that it touches the inner edge of the square
  4. Once you are happy with the size, font and location click weld the fonts together on the text menu (on the right)
  5. Click the text again (text only) and go up to the top and add an outline (between 1-2)
    1. You might find that a bigger or smaller one will fix any “holes” that you don't want to be engraved, so test it a bit
  6. Now click to the far side of your workspace so that nothing is selected. Click just the outline around your text and holding your shift key, click the frame as well.
  7. With both selected click “Combine” on the top and select “Unite”. 
    1. This will unite both the frame and the “bubble” around your text so that you can engrave your text and still have the outline of it cut out with the frame.


Once you have that set, you can repeat the above steps to add the year or any other text at the bottom.

Step 6: Glue! It's what's for dinner...

With both the map and the frame cut out, dab a qtip into a little glue and run it around the back of the “frame” then, use'n a few pieces of wood to guide you, place the frame on top of the map, and press it down until it's set.

Design Files
summer crafts
4 weeks 4 gifts
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