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Bamboo Lamp
I am very happy with how my last Bamboo Lamp ( turned out, so I decided to create another lamp with bamboo motifs.
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Step 1: Idea

My last Bamboo Lamp is a basic square shape, I am thinking to explore different shapes for the lamp this time, I got my inspiration from this unique architect in China (see Photo 1), so I am thinking of a spiral shape lamp???

I did a quick and simple sketch of the idea (see Photo 2)



Step 2: Create Design File
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  1. I found a spiral shape that fit what I have in mind, so I load it to Silhouette Studio, use the “Trace” function to convert it to a vector image first, then modify a little, cut off the thinner part, and created the basic spiral shape (see Photo 1), this is going to hold all the bamboo sticks and form the lamp
  2. Add small rectangles (size of the slot) to the spiral base, by using the array copy function, then adjust the angle (see photo 2)
  3. Use the “Subtract” function, to cut off the small rectangles from the spiral shape (see photo 3), which ended up having 20 slots. Duplicate it to make one for the top and one for the bottom
  4. To create a gentle slop of the bamboo, I first create a rectangle piece for the side, the long side is the tallest part of the lamp, and the width is wide enough to fit 2 to 3 bamboo sticks. Then duplicate it and make 20 pieces and place them side by side. 
  5. I then drew an arc shape and stretch it out (see Photo 4), with reference to the arc shape, that will determine the height of each panel. 
  6. Then I place various bamboo sticks in each panel (see Photo 5)

Export the design to SVG format.

Step 3: Laser Cutting and Assembly
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Laser Cutting:

Import the SVG to XCS (see Photo 1), I take advantage of the layer color feature

Purple for Engraving and Scoring, Orange for Scoring, Red for cutting

I first turn all layers to Ignore

Then turn all purple layer objects (the details for the bamboo) to Output, engraved with 60/80 at 40 lines per cm

Then change purple from Engrave to Score (40/20/1), to give the bamboo details more definition

Then process Orange with the Score function, to draw the bamboo leaves

Then turn purple and orange to Ignore, and the Red for outline cutting (100/4/1) to Output and process with the cutting.

See Photo 2 for all the parts (see Photo 2)


Begin with the tallest piece and from the inside first slot, gently push the panel into the slot of both top and bottom, one by one. (see Photo 3)

You can add a small dab of glue at each slot to attach the panel. See Photo 4 for the final.


Note: The file provided here is for 1.5mm basswood, if you choose different thickness material, you would need to change the size of the slots.

Design Files
Spiral Bamboo Lamp with panels.xcs
1.5mm basswood
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