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Risk-free Commercial Use
Comprehensive Tutorial
Easy to Make
Mister Monster
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Premium Projects

  • Risk-free Commercial Use: Our commercial license lets you sell your creations worry-free, making business launch easy.
  • Comprehensive Tutorial: From drawing to machine settings, engraving, and assembly - we guide you through each step to simplify production.
  • Easy to Make: Import drawing to XCS with a click. Perfect for beginners.
  • Instant access to files after payment.
  • No returns/exchanges for instant download items.
Digital Downloads
XCS *1
Who says a famous scientist can't look good doing it? Euclid P. Hamhocks the third is dapper in his spanking new Spritzer Speed Racer GT. Euclid is best known for his arcane equation that proved that pies aren't square. Ladies and Gentlemen, Euclid has left the building with style and pie.
Production Info
Making Time
90 min
Difficulty Level
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module
xTool D1 Pro
Material used
2mm basswood
2mm basswood 12x12 sheets from Amazon
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
All Products can be used for Commercial Use.