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  • Risk-free Commercial Use: Our commercial license lets you sell your creations worry-free, making business launch easy.
  • Comprehensive Tutorial: From drawing to machine settings, engraving, and assembly - we guide you through each step to simplify production.
  • Easy to Make: Import drawing to XCS with a click. Perfect for beginners.
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XCS *1
Create a Stunning 10-Layer Mandala!

Embark on a mindful journey with this intricate 10-layer laser-cut lotus mandala decoration file. This design features a mesmerizing lotus flower blooming from the depths of the mandala, symbolizing purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. Perfect for adding a touch of tranquility and elegance to your home décor, this versatile design can be cut from various materials, including wood, acrylic, or paper.

Create a stunning dimensional effect with this 10-layer mandala decoration, showcasing your laser cutting skills and adding depth to your décor.

The delicate lotus flower at the heart of the mandala represents purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening, bringing a sense of peace and harmony to any space.

Cut this design from a variety of materials, such as wood, acrylic, metal, and more, to match your preferences and décor style.

Add a touch of mindfulness and elegance to your home or create personalized gifts for friends and loved ones.

Scalable to your desired size.
Production Info
Making Time
50 min
Difficulty Level
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module
xTool S1
Material used
3mm Basswood Plywood
You can use any other material and thickness. You can use any two different colors MDF.
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
All Products can be used for Commercial Use.