We're super excited to see our xTool Projects family growing each day. Your incredible creations and downloads have brought our community more vibrant than ever! As we are welcoming more creators, we want to introduce some guidelines for sharing your amazing projects. This is not just about rules; it's about maintaining our collective experience and inspiring each other with outstanding content!


I. Example for you to Follow

For newcomers who don't know how to craft a good post, check out the popular projects by one of our top creators @ytxtool 



II. Sharing Guidelines: How-to & Inspiration



If you just want to share the finished images, settings, and files, you can choose to share an Inspiration. Each Inspiration includes 6 parts: 

1. Title

2. Cover: Showcases your entire finished project (aspect ratio: 332*249). 

3. Introduction: What's the story behind your project? Its uses?

4. Images: Minimum 2 angles to flaunt that awesome finish!

5. Production Info

6. Settings & Design Files: Don’t forget to upload the .xcs file!



Please make sure that the cover fully displays your finished product, not only the process. The aspect ratio of the image should be 332*249 to suit our layout. When cropping photos, try to place the work in the center of the frame. 



The introduction needs to include a project introduction and a finished product display. 

Introduction: What's the story behind your project? Its uses?

Images: Showcase the finished project from 2 or more shooting angles.


Design Files 

Please upload .xcs file so that everyone can edit in the software directly.



For a deep dive into every step of creating, go for a "How-to" post. This should cover:

All elements of an Inspiration post.

  1. Detailed Steps: Walk us through every stage – design, lasering, assembly, and showcase the final look. Remember to include images and descriptive text in each step so that newbies can follow the tutorial easily. 

    2. If multiple processing methods / laser modules are involved, please write the settings separately.


III. A Few Don'ts

1. Poor cover images

  • Directly upload the software screenshot as the cover.
  • Not showing the whole finished product (i.e., certain parts out of the frame, or hidden behind other objects)
  • blurred lens, or captured in a dark environment.
  • The finished product is obviously off-center, or not cropped properly.


2. Oversimplified steps

We love details! One or two steps aren't enough. And don't forget: we need photos for every step.

3.Write setting in the wrong place

Let's keep it obvious and uniform, so please type these in our built-in template for parameter setting.

  • The steps are too jumpy.


4. Incorrect or missing files

  • Ensure you upload the correct .xcs files.


5.Repeated Posts: 

Please share your project only once, either as How-to or Inspiration.


More rules can check here: https://projects.xtool.com/discussion/184


VI. Earning xTool Points


You're not just sharing; you're earning! Points are awarded when:

  1. You follow the above guidelines.
  2. You upload .xcs files.
  3. Your project gets downloaded over 10 times in 48H (If the project is exceptionally detailed and has exceptionally good typography, as @ytxtool does, the downloads can be relaxed to 5).


Stay Updated

As xTool Projects develops, so will these guidelines. We'll keep you posted right here! If your previous posts don't meet the guidelines, no worries! Just edit it when you can.

Thank you for making xTool Projects an incredible space for creativity and sharing. Let’s keep inspiring and supporting each other!