Welcome to the "Discussion" section of the xTool community! This is our common room where we share official announcements, keep you updated on the latest events, and facilitate engaging conversation. Any off-topic is welcomed here! 

But how do you navigate this space, how to choose the right category for your content, and what guidelines should you follow? Let's walk through it!


Discussion VS Ask the Community

Ask the Community section is a temporary place for people to ask questions about their XCS software and xTool machines, @Captain Laser and other members will answer your questions here, but this section will soon be moved to the xTool Support Center in order to provide you with more efficient and accurate solutions.

Discussion is the common room where all members are invited to share stories or insights, exchange making experiences, offer advice, and express their opinions. Our goal is to promote conversations and networking

Additionally, we will update you weekly with featured projects, software updates, and community events to keep you informed and up-to-date with the latest information.



Posting an Engaging and Clear Topic

Starting a new discussion is straightforward. Just click the 'New Discussion' button to enter the edit page.


How to Select the Right Category?

In order for members to find posts more efficiently, please post content in the suitable category:
  1. Announcements, Events, Weekly Updates, and Software Updates: These are dedicated to sharing official updates from the xTool team. Stay informed with the latest software releases and company news.
  2. xToolers: This is your space to share personal experiences, helpful resources, trials and errors you learned from, and all things related to laser making. We love learning from each other!
  3. Business Stories: Share your business journey with xTool. Market experiences, your popular products, or future business plans and industry challenges, we're all ears.
  4. Suggestions: Let us know your expectations for the community and xTool products. (For online store suggestions, use the feedback portal on our official store to ensure we see your feedback).
  5. Chitchat: A space for non-xTool-related conversations. Feel free to share your recent favorites, lifestyle tips, or anything you think the community would enjoy.
  6. General: Anything else that doesn't quite fit into the above categories.


Tips to make your content more attractive and valuable

  • Clarity: Ensure people understand what your post is about.
    • Example: A Specific title for Suggestions could be "ideas for new XCS features that would improve the saving options"
  • Relevance: We appreciate your feedback and suggestions in the Discussion section. However, for product-related queries and difficulties, please use the 'Ask the Community' section for better assistance.
  • Promotions: Feel free to introduce your small business or social media, but provide a brief introduction for better context. Kindly refrain from solely asking for subscriptions or followings.


And there you have it! You're ready to start engaging with the xTool community. Perhaps kick things off with a self-introduction at https://projects.xtool.com/discussion/32. We can't wait to hear from you.


Remember to maintain respect and courtesy in all discussions. Let's make this community a supportive and enlightening space for everyone.

Happy discussing!