Dear Users,
We would like to inform you that the forum will undergo some changes soon. Starting on December 26th UTC, the discussion feature will be temporarily unavailable due to version upgrade, and our forum will start to operate as the OFFICIAL BLOG, primarily used to announce official information about DesignFind.
  • Join us
For all DesignFind users, we encourage you to join our Facebook group, the DesignFind Creator Club, to stay updated and engage in discussions. In this group, you'll receive prompt feedback from our team and have more opportunities to connect with other creators. Your input is vital for making DesignFind vibrant and engaging.
You can now join the DesignFind Creator Club by clicking the LINK.
If you have any questions about machines or xTool Creative Space, please visit xTool Support.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support! If you need specific help with DesignFind, please email us at
Best regards,
The DesignFind Team